Cop-killing suspect also violated gun laws

From Dave Workman at <a href="">Examiner</a>:

<img src=" align="right">We know where he got the last gun he carried. It belonged to one of his police officer victims; so much for the political argument that "only cops should have guns." Anyone who wants a gun bad enough for illegal purposes will take one. Clemmons' first felony beef involved the burglary of an Arkansas State Trooper's home in which that man's gun was stolen, along with other items.

Note to state legislators and gun prohibitionists salivating at the possibility of using this outrage as a platform to launch new gun control initiatives: Clemmons was a walking testimonial to the absolute failure of gun control laws, to say nothing of the "criminal justice system." Make gun laws as Draconian as you can, you will never prevent someone like Clemmons from getting one while rendering his potential victims essentially defenseless.

Four police officers are dead, their families are grieving beyond anything most of us will hopefully ever know. Their colleagues are heartbroken. The community needs to support them.

In the aftermath, however, those who aided and abetted Clemmons, those who enabled him and armed him, will need to be held accountable for that, along with the legal system that is not merely cracked, but obviously broken wide open.

Sadly and perhaps frighteningly, there are more people like Maurice Clemmons still walking around out there. What makes anyone think that such individuals – if they are willing to gun down four uniformed, armed police officers – would be any less willing to attack an unarmed private citizen?</blockquote>

<a href=" cop-killer is dead and now comes time for questions</a>

Of all the 20,000+ gun laws in this country, not a single one of them slows down someone intent on getting and using a gun for illegal purposes. The only gun law that is really "common sense" is the one that says it is illegal to steal someone else's gun. The rest of them are simply "feel good" laws that are a response to lawmakers saying "Do something! Even if it's wrong!"