Faulty liberal theories don't work: about the economy or about gun-grabbing

<img src="http://media.washtimes.com/media/image/2011/06/09/b1handguns-ah_s160x109... align="right">The Washington Times editorial (http://www.washingtontimes.com ) from August 22, 2001 discusses the results of one trillion dollars of cure that the current administration has poured into fixing unemployment. Liberals told us that this would stimulate the economy. It did not.

Liberals also told us that if law-abiding concealed-carry gun owners were to set foot into a restaurant or bar, that there would be shootouts like the old west had.

And of course, these were scare tactics at best, or naked ignorance at worst. From the <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/22/no-gunfights-at-the-salo... Times</a>:

Earlier this month, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reviewed Virginia State Police records and found the number of firearms-related crimes committed in establishments that serve alcohol dropped 5 percent a year after concealed-carry permit holders could legally pack heat while out on the town. There were 145 gun crimes reported in taverns and eateries a year after the law took effect, compared with 153 before. The Times-Dispatch could only identify a single permit holder who had misbehaved, though gun charges later were dropped against that person.

It is important to keep in mind that this figure (145 crimes reported) is for an entire YEAR in the entire state. This represents less than one every other day. It does not seem to be an urgent problem to solve. And the number happens to be lower than the year before the carry law took effect, which is not surprising either.

There is one big difference between using ineffective means to "fix" the economy and to "fix" the problem with bad guys using guns. The government can always print up more money to patch up the economy, but when a single innocent life is lost due to the government taking away self-defense, that life is lost forever.

Article source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/22/no-gunfights-at-the-saloon/
Illustration: Gun control by Alexander Hunter for The Washington Times