France Passes Controversial Bill Granting Police Remote Surveillance Powers
France has recently passed a bill that grants police the authority to remotely activate the cameras, microphones, and GPS of suspects' phones as a means of surveillance. The legislation extends to other devices such as laptops, cars, and connected devices, allowing remote recording of sound and images for individuals suspected of various offenses, including terrorism, delinquency, and organized crime.
However, the provision enabling remote spying, which is part of a broader "justice reform bill," has faced criticism from both the left and rights defenders, who consider it an authoritarian intrusion on privacy. La Quadrature du Net, a French advocacy group promoting digital rights and freedoms, expressed concerns about potential violations of fundamental liberties, including the right to security, private life, private correspondence, and freedom of movement. They view the proposal as a move toward excessive security measures.
Despite these concerns, lawmakers approved the bill on Wednesday, with Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti assuring that it would only impact a limited number of cases each year. During the debate, members of President Emmanuel Macron's camp inserted an amendment that restricts remote spying to situations "justified by the nature and seriousness of the crime" and limits its duration to a strictly proportional timeframe. Any use of the provision requires approval from a judge, and the total surveillance period cannot exceed six months. Additionally, individuals in sensitive professions such as doctors, journalists, lawyers, judges, and members of parliament would not be considered legitimate targets.
This bill follows France's increased surveillance powers since the terrorist attacks in 2015 and has drawn comparisons to the controversial US Patriot Act. Critics argue that the new legislation raises concerns about privacy and civil liberties in the country.
For more information, please read the full article on Gazette Nigeria: France Passes Bill to Allow Police to Remotely Activate Phone Camera, Microphone, Spy on People.
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