Good news about gun control lies

It's a sure sign that the gun grabbers are getting tired, when they resort to the same lies about guns, gun control, background checks, lawful carry, bla bla bla. Specifically, they say that more guns causes more gun violence. This is provably false. They say that background checks make people safer. This is false, as well.

The following article quotes Mr. Paul Helmke, president of Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. In it, he is quoted as saying that carrying a sidearm is equivalent to going topless. I must confess that this is a new one to me, and I frankly do not know how to respond. Somehow a chuckle doesn't seem adequate, but that's all I have.

There is also a new term being used here, specifically, saying that groups are "banning [sic] together" to "flaunt their Second Amendment rights." I guess that was a slip of the tongue; he probably meant "banding" and not "banning". Banning is, after all, his strong suit.

So here is the article. You tell me if I missed any of the same old tired lies, and/or are any new ones that sleazed their way past me.

<h4>Gun control group wants Starbucks to choose sides</h4>

A national gun control organization wants Starbucks to take a stance on its gun policy.

Paul Helmke, president of Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, told KIRO Radio's Dave Ross on Wednesday there has been a recent surge in customers carrying unconcealed weapons into California stores.

Helmke explained that people in large groups are banning together and carrying their guns unconcealed into businesses to flaunt their Second Amendment rights.

The U.S. Supreme Court decided in June 2008 that bans on handguns is unconstitutional and the Second Amendment guarantees the right to own a gun for self-defense.

"Really, what's happened since that Supreme Court decision is the gun lobby is pushing more of this 'let's take more guns more places with more people,' instead of trying to figure out how do we make sure there's background checks on all sales," said Helmke.

Helmke said they asked area businesses to decide whether to allow gun carrying customers into their stores or refuse them business. The policies are similar to those not allowing topless or shoeless customers through the door.

"When Starbucks was asked about it, they said they don't have a policy on it and they follow state law," said Helmke. He added, "That bothers people that go to these restaurants and it concerns us because we believe that it actually raises the chances there's going to be some gun violence, or a mistake or a confrontation."

California Pizza Kitchen and Peet's Coffee have both decided they won't allow people to openly carry guns in their businesses.

"We're concerned that Starbucks isn't listening to its customers who would like to get a coffee without somebody carrying a gun," said Helmke.

He admitted they haven't been able to measure an increase in gun violence since a recent push to 'pack heat' in public, but cited past studies that show the more guns in a home, community, etc. increases the chances for gun violence.

"More guns usually leads to more gun violence," said Helmke.

Gun control group wants Starbucks to choose sides - Seattle News - (11 February 2010)

Sorry -- I am still chuckling about the topless thing. Tell me again who is flaunting what?