Quote needs to be restated
The International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, which seems to be an unelected, anonymous body of people of unknown qualifications says this: "There is no credible statistical evidence demonstrating that laws allowing the carrying of concealed firearms reduce crime."
This statement is false on its face.
It also indicates that either a) they are ignorant of the facts, or b) they are lying. But since it is quoted in an article about limiting civil rights of gun owners, people are going to use it, quoting them as an authority. Who are these people, and why is this body "International"? We are dealing with a University in the United States of America here, in a nation of laws, and not some third-world dictatorship that has already banned guns from its subjects.
Please see the entire article: <a href="http://tinyurl.com/ybuh42y">CSU students, staff split as board moves toward concealed weapons ban</a> at the Denver Post.
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