What magazine capacity is all about

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Lawyer Forgotten in Prison for Four Hours

Apparently, you don't need to be an inmate to find yourself incarcerated in San Diego. And this is not a one-time problem, either. It's one of those ongoing-type issues in San Diego.

A California lawyer was left in a waiting room at a San Diego jail, after guards forgot about him, according to NBC News.

The lawyer, Erubey Lopez, was visiting a client. He was left in the waiting room without a cell phone, as the prison didn't allow the use of cell phones inside.

‘Whose Side Are You On?’ Columbine Survivor Blasts Obama

<img src="http://politicaloutcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/GunControl1-220x1... align="right">Evan Todd was one of the people injured in the infamous Columbine High School shootings, and in a recent open letter to President Obama, he pulled no punches.

“Why would you prefer criminals to have the ability to out-gun law-abiding citizens?” he demanded. “Whose side are you on?”

It’s a question many people have wondered about.

Colorado Democrat Says Women Can’t Be Trusted With Guns

While debating a bill on the Colorado house floor that would ban all firearms from Colorado university campuses, freshman lawmaker Joe Salazar (D-Thorton) suggested female college students should not have guns because they may shoot a non-rapist due to an irrational fear of being raped.

Can Courthouse Shootings Be Prevented?

Recently it was made known that many judges carry concealed, under their robes, in a courtroom which is presumably a "gun-free zone". This would strongly imply that the judges do not expect it to be a gun-free zone, and are concerned for their safety. It is reasonable to expect the same kind of protection, self-preservation, for the attorney(s) present.

A Delaware court shooting has left three people dead, including the alleged shooter, now identified as Thomas Matusiewicz.

Pizza Parlor Offers 15 Percent Discount for Customers Carrying Guns

<img src="http://www.wallsforpc.com/wallpapers/2012/12/Delicious-pizza-800x1280.jpg" width="400" align="right">At All Around Pizzas and Deli in Virginia Beach, Virginia, customers who bring in a gun or show a gun permit will get 15 percent off their order.

Owner Jay Laze told HamptonRoads.com that he got the idea from an ice cream shop in Utah which offered a similar discount.

"It's been awesome," said Laze, who claims that 80 percent of his customers have walked in carrying a gun since he offered the discount last week, including one carrying an AK-47.

Anti-Gun Liberal News Anchor Destroyed in Interview w/ Keith Morgan

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The time to control government’s guns is now

Rule number one: don't point a gun at anything you don't want to destroy

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Sami6ovG5OM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

"The government is trying to protect innocent people from the government"

Here we share with you another <a href="http://www.garynorth.com/public/10643.cfm">outstanding article</a> from Dr. Gary North, entitled "Cap Pistols, Gun Control, and Ethics".

Dr. North discusses Good guys, Bad guys, TV Westerns, and where the government fits in to all this. Please see http://www.garynorth.com/public/10643.cfm


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